Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 13 ....Ok, Technically 15...

Well I swore Id post often and then I fell off the blogging bandwagon....hahah Nothing much going on other than my Right knee has decided to take a TOTAL hiatus from my workouts and It hurt sooooo bad I took Saturday off from my workout ..... Got back on Sunday and it didnt feel ANY better so I took Monday off .... No difference ... And then decided that I will keep going no matter what! I have, however taken it easier because of said knee and have been feeling all kinds of crappy about myself over it... But hopefully it'll get better ASAP I guess we'll see ....right? So there, It should be day 15 of the shred but its DAY 13 .... Im also working on a dress for a dress swap I entered using the halter dress pattern .... you can see her patterns and creations here! ------>
And of course whats a post without pics?
( #1 .....If he could ... he'd play DS ALLLLL. DAY. LONG... Like until school starts again...)

(The Little Lady .....4.5 months ! 17.4 LBS and 25 inches long!!! )
(THE QUILT .... And the Miss ...wearing an appliqued Onesie ... This is what happens when your older bro had 100million white onesies to hand down ; ) )

Now Im off to do get my fitness on..... after Yo Gabba Gabba is over of course; )

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 7!!!

I was soooooooo discouraged this morning! I told myself I would go by the fit of my clothes and of course i get the idea that maybe I should weigh myself! ... I get on my Wii board and the thing says Ive GAINED 5LBS!!! WTF??!?!?!?!? I was sooo sad (granted this was AFTER it told me it had been XX days since we had seen each other ! .... thanx Wii)
I saw that the last time I had weighed myself was 6/19 so I'm hoping myb its the lbs I caught on BEFORE I started working out??? ... who knows...
Then I researched and found some blogs/communities/forums in which people had posted their "Shred" stories and in almost all they didn't have much weight loss but ALOT of inches lost. So it sucks , but I vowed I'd do it and now I'm in it and just hope that I'm one of those that looses some inches ....kwim?
So THEN I get the thought in my head of "hey ! I SO didn't take "before" pic! " .... I enlisted the help of my FAVORITE photographer (ie. my 7 year old) to take some pics and OF COURSE I was MORTIFIED! I was going to post em on here today but I just cant ... what if SOMEONE sees them? lol So at this point I'm hoping ANY improvement comes my way !
I attempted to make a healthy-ish dinner and this is what the familia got ....
Chicken with Veggies

2 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1/4 onion (chopped)
3 chicken breasts (chopped)
3 zucchinis (chopped)
1 can of corn
Mrs Dash seasonings (no salt !)
I put some EVOO on a pan to heat while I chopped veggies and chicken
Added chopped Garlic and Onion to pan to cook a bit ...a few minutes
Added chicken along with some Mrs Dash (for flavor ...duh)
Once chicken is cooked I added the Zucchinis and Corn
Covered until Zucchini was tender
Served with a side of rice
I LIKED it, the hubbs LIKED it and the kids ATE it so I'm going to call it a success :D

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 6

Yes, I know! Its been a few days since I posted ...but It wasn't my fault! I swear!
In the midst of last week our hard drive took a crap (at least that's what the Geek Squad said) and the comp had to go in for some LOVE fixin..... whatever you call it!
It was expensive to say the least ! MMmhum!!! Getting your computer fixed is NO JOKE! ..I almost feel as if its worse than the car mechanic.... Well, she's now back and (supposedly) better than ever!
AND did I mention that they weren't able to retrieve ANY of our pics?!!??!?! I was DEVASTATED ! I could kick myself for procrastinating to put ALL those damn pics on a disc or external drive or flash drive...WHATEVER! I should of done it ... ugh sooo angry with myself just thinking it! So, If you haven't done SOME kind of back-up on your precious pics DO IT NOW!
I'm on to Day 6 (yes! 6!!!) of The Shred!
and although I don't really see any results (i know, it hasn't even been a week!) I feel sooo much better about myself! I no longer feel like I'm going to die 5 minutes into the workout and I even worked out in front of the hubbs (I feel like a loser working out in front of ANYONE ) I'm very self-conscious about working out in front of him (and anyone really..) because I must look all crazy huffing and puffing through out the video.
Which brings me to think that I FEEL ridiculous huffing and puffing while the chicks on the video are all working out with a smile and have this awesome glow while I'm sweating buckets!!! ...sux ... Oh, Well .. its all for least that's what I tell myself!
I do already feel more energized and all happy with myself so I'm keeping it up.... ! I might even start a diet or something ...
And I was thinking today ...myb I should of taken some BEFORE and AFTER pics.... hmm ... myb tomorrow (does it STILL count if its a week in?)
Its been sooo effing hot lately ! It is almost 9pm and still in the HUNDREDS!!!!!! UGH! It doesn't leave much wanting to do ANYTHING or leave the house!



Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 1

I figured out how to post pictures!!! YAY!
Myb one day i'll have a super-fancy looking blog ; )

#1 in the middle #2 to the right and #3 to the left ....
(The whole fam wears the ON flag tees on 4th of July .....tradition...cause we're cheesy like that!)

The only pic I have of the quilt..... I almost ripped my hair out (twice) while making it ... true story.

Ok ...So , yesterday I bought the 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michaels and then came home and made oatmeal cookies....

I started today and OMG I am BEAT ! It was great because I havent worked out like this in FOREVER. But now Im tired and need a nap and #2 decided he was going to take the shortest nap he's EVER taken since he was an infant ! It was also SUPER FUN trying to do crunches, jumping jacks etc...while having a toddler run around me and try to climb on top of you. mmmhummmm ... FABULOUS

But damn you kinny jeans ...YOU WILL fit! ... My goal (for now) is to fit into these jeans I bought (last week) by #2s B-day which is 2 months away. MMHHUMMM

Now I just have to make dinner and do some kinda cleaning so I can feel somewhat accomplished for the day! And Oh on Julian's quilt (that was supposed to be a xmas present!Thank God the boy has OTHER blankets to keep him warm at night)... I've been bitten by the quilting bug soooooo badly! I peruse the quilting blogs and dream up all kinds of super awesome quilts I will be making in the future ::sigh::

I FINALLY finished my scrappy throw quilt (scraps from tre throw pillows I started while preggo with #3.....6 months ago) for the living room and it lives on the floor where #2 loves to lay.... lots of hard work...appreciated ...gotta love the littles ; )

Anyways I have a hard time finishing things so my plan is to dig into my stash and buy as little fabric as possible until I have more room on the shelves for more. But how will I do this when the stuff I want to make would look WAAAYY better in fabrics I dont already have? ...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hello There !

I'm Nat Im the stay at home mami to 2 boys 1 girl and wife to an amazing hubby : ) and I decided to create this blog to help me in my crafting ADD procrastination ....and weight loss goals...

I figure if I put it out there in the universe then I HAVE TO DO IT right? ... PLUS Ive been almost religiously following some blogs (mostly crafty) and I was thinking maybe it would help me in becoming a better mama overall... having a new creative outlet. : )

I dont even know the first thing about posting pics and what not .... So here goes nothing ....